The Spoon Theory, originated by Christina Miserandino (2003), is often used within the chronic illness community to explain what it’s like to be sick, using spoons as a representation of energy. Each day, individuals with a chronic illness are given 12 spoons and must carefully plan their day whereas healthy, especially young individuals, expect an endless supply and don’t face such choices. The Spoon Theory was created to help people without medical conditions better understand the reality of chronic illness. In doing so, the metaphor is particularly valuable for invisible illnesses, where individuals appear healthy and thus are often incorrectly judged as lazy or inconsistent. As individuals with chronic conditions often mask their pain, it becomes more difficult for others to truly understand and empathize, increasing the social isolation. Therefore, the Spoon Theory helps put a simple visualization to what would otherwise go unseen.
Individuals with chronic illness have limited energy, which is further influenced by quality of sleep, stress levels, and pain severity. The number of spoons signifies the amount of mental and physical energy, where throughout the day, everyday responsibilities (such as getting out of bed and eating) decrease the number of spoons left for other productive tasks. Some activities may take only one spoon, whereas other activities can take 7 or 8, or even 12 on bad days. With only a limited number of spoons for each day, people with chronic illness must carefully plan their time and prioritize responsibilities. Due to this, it is often difficult for people with chronic illness to do last minute things or follow through with plans, even when they want to. However, when someone with a chronic illness chooses to spend their time with you, understand that they are giving up a spoon to be with you, prioritizing you above alternative options in their day, and that should feel special.
Rarely people with chronic illness complete their day before their spoons are up, but often their spoons run out before the day is over. Once a person runs out of spoons, they have no other choice but to rest until their spoons are replenished. As the symptoms and pain reach a point where no medication can help, individuals become bedridden. This is very frustrating because even when there is still more that you want/need to do, your body decides when it’s time to stop. If you push your body past this point, you will begin to take spoons from the next day and your body will face additional consequences. When you live with a chronic illness, you cannot afford to waste spoons and are always trying to save up more because you are unsure of what to expect and have little indication to predict symptoms/pain severity. You learn to choose your time wisely, not waste energy on unnecessary things, and conserve your energy for what is most important. It is significant to recognize that the rationing of spoons and the awareness of every decision is an ongoing, daily occurrence that never goes without a break.
Most importantly, the Spoon Theory provides a simple representation of chronic illness to allow others to understand a different reality and to empower people with chronic conditions. Often, Spoonies (people who identify with the Spoon Theory) use this representation to connect and relate to other individuals who live with a chronic illness, creating a community of support. As someone living with an invisible condition, I did not hear of the Spoon Theory until after my EDS diagnosis. Due to this, I want to make the Spoon Theory more well known. The best way the Spoon Theory can help people without chronic illnesses comprehend a diverse reality is first by being knowledgeable of the metaphor and what it signifies.

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